Lesson 6 : The Test
The Test Textual Exercise
Word Meanings
Prince (प्रिंस)-राजकुमार, Enemy (ऐनिमी)-शत्रु, Bows and arrows (बोज़ एण्ड ऐरोज़)-धनुष-बाण, Use (यूज़)-प्रयोग, Different (डिफ्रेन्ट)-विभिन्न, Arms (आर्मस)-शस्त्र, Fight (फाइट)-लड़ना, Teach (टीच)-शिक्षा देना, Worry (वरी)-चिन्ता, Chance (चान्स)-मौका, Skills (स्किल्स)-क्षमताएँ, Shoot (शूट)-निशाना लगाना, Branches (ब्रान्चेज़)-शाखाएँ, Turn (टन)-बारी, Ready (रैडी)-तैयार, Try (ट्राइ)-प्रयास, Bird (बर्ड)-चिड़िया, Fruits (फ्रूट्स)-फल, Aiming (एमिंग)-निशाना साधते हुए, Pats (पैट्स)-पीठ थपथपाता है, Allowed (अलाउड)-आज्ञा दी, Concentrate (कन्सण्ट्रेट)-एकाग्रता, Target (टारगेट)-लक्ष्य, Focussed (फोकस्ड)-ध्यान लगाना, Goal (गोल)-लक्ष्य, Successful (सक्सैसफुल)-सफल।
Read and Learn
(पढ़ो और याद करो) Some nouns have irregular plurals. Learn them.
(कुछ संज्ञाओ के बहुवचन अनियमित होते हैं। उन्हें याद करो)

Word Power (शब्द सामर्थ्य)
1. Make sentences using these word
(इन शब्दों का प्रयोग करके वाक्य बनाओ)
1. Ride – I know how to ride a bicycle.
2. Tree – There is a big peepal tree in my garden.
3. Arrow – He pointed an arrow towards his goal.
4. Target – One should fix his eyes upon the target.
5. Successful – Hard working men are always successful.
2. See the list of objects and match with the picture given
(दी गई वस्तुओं की सूची देखकर उनका चित्रों से मिलान करो)
Student should do themselves.
Reading Comprehension (बोध प्रश्न)
1. Choose the correct answer from the given options.
(दिये गये विकल्पों में से सही उत्तर चुनिए।)
1. ……. is the eldest of Pandav Princes.
(a) Arjun
(b) Bhim
(c) Yudhisthir
(d) Nakul.
2. …… is the Kaurav prince.
(a) Yudhisthir
(b) Duryodhan
(c) Dronacharya
(d) Sahadev.
3. ……. was “the targat” in the test.
(a) The bird
(b) The tree
(c) The bird’s right eye
(d) The fruit.
4. ……. shot “the target” finally.
(a) Bhim
(b) Duryodhan
(c) Yudhisthir
(d) Arjun
5. ……. is the teacher of Pandav and Kaurav Princes.
(a) Bhim
(b) Nakul
(c) Dronacharya
(d) Duryodhan.
1. (c) Yudhisthir
2. (b) Duryodhan
3. (c) The bird’s right eye
4. (d) Arjun
5. (c) Dronacharya.
2. Answer the following question
(निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखें)
Question 1.
Who taught the princes?
राजकुमारों को कौन शिक्षा देता था?
Guru Dronacharya taught the princes.
राजकुमारों को गुरु द्रोणाचार्य शिक्षा देते थे।
Question 2.
Who was the eldest Pandav Prince?
पाण्डव राजकुमारों में सबसे बड़ा कौन था?
Yudhisthir was the eldest Pandav Prince.
युधिष्ठिर पाण्डवों में सबसे बड़ा था।
Question 3.
What different skills did Guru Dron teach the princes?
गुरु द्रोण ने राजकुमारों को कौन-कौन सी विभिन्न विद्याएँ सिखायीं?
Guru Dron taught to use different arms, to ride horses and to fight the enemy well.
गुरु द्रोण ने विभिन्न शस्त्र चलाना, घुड़सवारी करना और शत्रु से युद्ध करना सिखाया।
Question 4.
What was the test?
परीक्षा क्या थी?
The test was to shoot the right eye of the bird sitting on the tree.
पेड़ पर बैठी चिड़िया की दाहिनी आँख में तीर मारना ही परीक्षा थी।
Question 5.
Why was he satisfied with Arjun’s answer?
वे अर्जुन के उत्तर से सन्तुष्ट क्यों थे ?
He was satisfied with Arjun’s answer because only he could concentrate on the target.
वे अर्जुन के उत्तर से सन्तुष्ट थे क्योंकि केवल अर्जुन ही लक्ष्य पर एकाग्र हो पाया था।
Question 6.
What do we need to do to be successful in life?
हमें जीवन में सफल होने के लिए क्या करने की आवश्यकता है?
We need to keep our eyes focused only on the goal. Then alone, we can be successful in life.
हमें अपना ध्यान केवल लक्ष्य पर साधकर रखना चाहिए। तभी हम जीवन में सफल हो सकते हैं।
Grammar in Use (व्याकरण प्रयोग)
1. Fill in the blanks
Changing nouns from singular to plural.
(रिक्त स्थान भरो : एकवचन संज्ञा से बहुवचन में बदलना)

2. Match the correct forms :
(सही रूपों का मिलान करो)

See the passage and Questions in the book. (गद्यांश एवं प्रश्नों को पुस्तक से देखो।)
- The poor man lived in a small village.
- He completed his graduation with the financial help of Village Panchayat.
- The farmer used improved varieties of seeds, biofertilizers and water saving irrigation techniques to grow more crops.
- Along with agricultural practices he also provides assistance and guidance to other farmers of the district.
- His success story presents an example to the educated youth for adopting farming as a profession.
Let’s Write (आओ लिखें)
Write five sentences about Arjun, with the help of the clues given
(दिये गये संकेतो की सहायता से अर्जुन के बारे में पाँच वाक्य लिखो।)
(A Pandav prince, very good archer, elder to, younger than, son of.)
- Arjun was a Pandav prince.
- He was a very good archer.
- He was the son of Pandu.
- He was elder to Nakul.
- He was younger than Bhim.
Let’s Do (आओ करें)
Collect pictures of various indoor and outdoor games and paste them in a note book.
(विभिन्न घर के अन्दर व बाहर खेले जाने वाले खेलों के चित्र एकत्रित करो और उन्हें अपनी पुस्तिका पर चिपकाओ।)
(Take help of newspapers and sports magazines)
Hint : Students can collect the pictures of various indoor games such as chess, snakes and ladders, scrabbles etc. and outdoor games such as cricket, football, hockey etc. from the newspapers and sports magazines
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