Lesson 7 : The Race
Word Meanings
Students (स्टूडेण्ट्स)-छात्र, Assembled (असैम्बल्ड)-इकट्ठा हुए, Celebrated (सैलीब्रेटिड)-मनाया, Row (रो)-पंक्ति , Well built (वैल बिल्ट)-तगड़ी, Signal (सिगनल)-संकेत, Ahead (अहैड)-आगे,Win(विन)-जीतना, Balance(बैलेन्स)-सन्तुलन, Meanwhile (मीनव्हाइल) तब तक, Leading (लीडिंग)-आगे, Slippery (स्लिपरी)-फिसलना, Moments (मूमेन्ट्स)-क्षण, Regains (रीगेन्स)-पुनः प्राप्त कर लेती है, Curious (क्यूरीयस)-उत्सुक,Confident (कॉन्फीडेंट)-आत्मविश्वास, Carelessly (केअरलैसली)-लापरवाही से, Steadily (स्टीडली)-समान गति से, Cheers (चीअर्स)-शाबासी देना, Proved (प्रूव्ड)-साबित कर दिया, Congratulation (कांग्रेचुलेशन्स-बधाई, Self confidence (सेल्फ कॉन्फीडेन्स)-आत्मविश्वास।
The Race Textual Exercise
Word Power
(शब्द सामर्थ्य) Rearrange the letters to spell the names of games.
(खेलों के नामों की स्पैलिंग करने के लिए अक्षरों को पुनः व्यवस्थित करें।)
Comprehension Questions (बोध प्रश्न)
1. Read the story carefully. There are six girls in the race. Arrange their names in the sequence in which they appear in the story.
(कहानी को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ो। दौड़ में छह लड़कियाँ हैं। उनके नाम उसी क्रम से व्यवस्थित करें जैसे कहानी में आये हैं।)
(Mala, Rani, Neerja, Shobha, Meena, Lata.)
(Meena, Shobha, Rani, Lata, Neerja, Mala.)
2. Write whether the following statements are true or false
(दिये गये कथन सही हैं या गलत हैं, लिखिए)
- Meena is tall, strong and well-built.
- Rani loses her balance and falls down.
- Neerja looks back and loses her lead.
- Mala runs carelessly.
- The whole crowd cheers Mala.
- False
- False
- True
- True
- False.
3. Answer these Questions (इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए)
Question 1.
Why have the students of Government Middle School assembled on the play ground?
गवर्नमेण्ट मिडिल स्कूल के छात्र खेल के मैदान में इकट्ठे क्यों हुए हैं?
The Annual Sports Day is being celebrated in the school so all the students have assembled in the play ground.
स्कूल में वार्षिक खेलकूद मनाया जा रहा है, अतः सभी छात्र खेल के मैदान में इकट्ठे हुए हैं।
Question 2.
What event is about to begin?
कौन-सी प्रतियोगिता प्रारम्भ होने वाली है?
200 mts. race is about to begin.
200 मी. दौड़ शुरू होने वाली है।
Question 3.
How many girls are taking part in the race?
दौड़ में कितनी लड़कियाँ भाग ले रही हैं?
Six girls are taking part in the race.
दौड़ में छः लड़कियाँ भाग ले रही हैं।
Question 4.
Why do girls feel that Meena would not win?
लड़कियों को ऐसा क्यों लगता है कि मीना नहीं जीत पाएगी?
Meena was thin and short so the girls feel that she would not win.
मीना छोटी और दुबली थी। अतः लड़कियों को लगा कि वह नहीं जीत पाएगी।
Question 5.
Who gives the signal to start the race?
दौड़ शुरू करने का संकेत कौन देता है?
The games teacher gives the signal to start the race.
खेलों का अध्यापक दौड़ शुरू करने का संकेत देता है।
Question 6.
How does Meena run all through the race?
मीना दौड़ में कैसे दौड़ती है?
Meena runs steadily and confidently all through the race.
मीना स्थिर गति और आत्मविश्वास से पूरी रेस में दौड़ती है।
Question 7.
What do you think helped Meena’?
आपकी समझ से मीना की किसने सहायता की?
Meena’s self confidence helped her to win the race.
मीना के आत्मविश्वास ने दौड़ जीतने में उसका साथ दिया।
Grammar in Use (व्याकरण प्रयोग)
1. Read the following sentences
(निम्न वाक्यों को पढ़ो)
Deepa says, “I want to be a writer”.
Deepa says that she wants to be a writer.
Now rewrite the following sentences as above.
(अब वाक्यों को उपरोक्तानुसार लिखें।)
Question 1.
Mona says, “I want to be a cook.”
Mona says that she wants to be a cook.
Question 2.
Gopal says, “I want to be a player.”
Gopal says that he wants to be a player.
Question 3.
Ram says, “I want to be an officer.”
Ram says that he wants to be an officer.
Question 4.
Arif says, “I want to be a pilot.”
Arif says that he wants to be a pilot.
Question 5.
Radha says, “I want to be an inspector.”
Radha says that she wants to be an inspector.
2. At the end of the race a newspaper reporter asked Meena a number of questions. Using the information, write a paragraph in reported speech.
(दौड़ के अन्त में एक अखबार के पत्रकार ने मीना से कई प्रश्न पूछे। इस सूचना को प्रयोग करके reported speech में एक परिच्छेद लिखें।)
Question 1.
Meena —“I get up early in the morning.”
Meena says that she gets up early in the morning.
Question 2.
“I run 4 kilometers everyday.”
Meena says that she runs 4 kilometers everyday.
Question 3.
“I have milk and paranthas after the exercise.”
Meena says that she has milk and paranthas after the exercise.
Question 4.
“I go to school at 11:00 O’clock.”
Meena says that she goes to school at 11:00 0’clock.
Question 5.
“I am there till 5:00 O’clock”
Meena says that she is there till 5:00 O’clock.
Let’s Talk (आओ, बात करें)
Work with your partner and ask the question to know which games he/she plays.
(अपने सहपाठी के साथ कार्य करो और यह मालूम करने के लिए प्रश्न पूछो कि वह कौन-सा खेल खेलता/खेलती है।)
Question 1.
“Which game do you play?”
I play cricket.
Question 2.
Is it an indoor game or outdoor game?
It is an outdoor game.
Question 3.
Do you use a net in this game?
No, we don’t use a net in this game.
Question 4.
Do you use a bat in this game?
Yes, we use a bat in this game.
Question 5.
Do you use a stick in this game?
No, we don’t use a stick in this game.
Question 6.
How many players take part in this game?
Eleven players take part in one team in this game.
Let’s Read (आओ पढ़ें)
See the passage and questions in the book.
(पद्यांश एवं प्रश्नों को पुस्तक से देखो।)
1. The old woman had a cat.
2. The cat jumped and caught the rat after watching the rat.
3. The old woman was angry with the cat because the cat had let the rat run away.
4. The cat replied to the old woman, “Don’t hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years and I would still work for you but I am too old. Don’t be unkind to the old. Remember the good work they did when they were young.”
5. (i) The old woman had a cat. (cat/rat).
(ii) The cat jumped, and caught a rat. (saw/caught)
(iii) One must be kind to the old. (kind/unkind)
Let’s Write (आओ लिखें)
Look at the pictures. Use the clues given under the pictures and write 4-5 short sentences.
(चित्रों को देखो। चित्रों के नीचे दिए संकेत प्रयोग करो और 4-5 छोटे वाक्य लिखो।)
- he race is about to start.
- Mona is trailing behind.
- Sona is leading the race.
- She wins the race.
- The other contestants are clapping on her victory.
Let’s Do (आओ करें)
Class VI has decided to go on a picnic this Wednesday. Ram, Meena, Maya and Ravi are absent today. Send them a message including information.
- The place of picnic
- The date and the day
- The fee amount
- The meeting point
- The eating and playing materials.
We are going on a picnic.
Date/Day : Wednesday, 20th September.
Place of picnic : Bharatpur, Bird Sanctuary.
Meeting point : School Campus.
Fee amount : Rs. 150/- per head.
Material to bring : Eatables, any indoor game or outdoor game that you have.
Do come.