Word Meanings
Wander (वॉन्डर) – घूमना, फिरना; Thirst (थट्)प्यास; Symbol (सिम्बल) – संकेत; Heed (हीड) – ध्यान देना; Overpowered (ओवरपॉवर्ड) – पराजित किया; Ultimately (अल्टीमेटली) – अन्त में; Contented (कन्टेन्डिड) – सन्तुष्ट; Weep (वीप) रोना; Just (जस्ट) – न्याय संगत, न्यायोचित; Sprinkle (स्प्रिन्कल) – छिड़कना; Divine (डिवाइन) – दैवीय; Virtue (वयूं) – सद्गुण; Exile (ऐग्ज़ाइल) – वनवास, Grieve (ग्रीव) – दुःखी होना; Heaven (हैवन) – स्वर्ग; Weeds (वीड्स) – खरपतवार; Fate (फेट) – भाग्य।
Word Power (शब्द सामर्थ्य):
A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in a column B:
(कॉलम A के शब्दों का मिलान कॉलम B में दिये उनके अर्थों से करें:)

(a)→ (ii) a sign used to represent some thing.
(b)→ (iv) to walk slowly around without purpose.
(c)→ (i) an imaginary creature with magic power.
(d)→ (iii) the plants found in a particular area of environment.
B. Give one word for the following:
- A small area of still water, especially one that is artificial.
- which is connected with God.
- a wild plant growing where it is not wanted.
- behavior that shows high moral standard.
- pool
- divine
- weed
- virtue.
Comprehension (बोध प्रश्न):
(A) Answer the questions:
(इन प्रश्नों का उत्तर दें:)
Question 1.
What did Yudhishthira say to Nakula ?
युधिष्ठिर ने नकुल से क्या कहा ?
Yudhishthira said to Nakula to climb the tree and look all over the forest and see if water was near.
युधिष्ठिर ने नकुल से कहा कि वह पेड़ पर चढ़कर देखे कि जंगल में कहीं पानी हो।
Question 2.
What did the voice from the pond say ?
तालाब से आवाज़ ने क्या कहा ?
The voice said not to drink the water before the conditions for drinking water from the pool are fulfilled.
आवाज ने कहा कि जब तक तालाब के नियमों का पालन न हो, पानी न पिया जाए।
Question 3.
Did Nakula pay heed to the voice ?
क्या नकुल ने आवाज की ओर ध्यान दिया ?
No, Nakula did not pay heed to the voice.
नहीं, नकुल ने आवाज़ की ओर ध्यान नहीं दिया।
Question 4.
What were the questions put up by Yaksha? Mention at least four.
यक्ष ने क्या प्रश्न पूछे ? कम से कम चार लिखें।
Yaksha asked the following questions:
यक्ष ने निम्नलिखित सवाल पूछे
1. Which is the best road to Heaven ?
2. Which is the worst enemy of man ?
3. What is the way to be happy ?
4. Who is the greatest man of all ?
1. स्वर्ग के लिए सबसे अच्छा रास्ता कौन-सा है ?
2. आदमी का सबसे बड़ा दुश्मन कौन है ?
3. खुश रहने का क्या तरीका है ?
4. सबसे महान आदमी कौन है ?
Question 5.
Which is the best of all virtues ?
सबसे अच्छा सद्गुण कौन-सा है ?
The best virtue is to hate none.
किसी से भी नफरत न करना, सबसे अच्छा सद्गुण है।
Question 6.
Why did Yudhishthira wish to get back Nakula ?
युधिष्ठिर नकुल को वापिस क्यों पाना चाहता था ?
Yudhishthra wished to get back Nakula because Yudhishthira was the son of Kunti and Nakula was the son of Madri. When they would return back after thirteen years of exile, both the mothers would get at least one of her sons.
युधिष्ठिर नकुल को वापिस इसलिए चाहता था क्योंकि युधिष्ठिर कुन्ती पुत्र था व नकुल मादरी का बेटा। जब तेरह साल के बनवास के बाद वे घर पहुँचते तो दोनों माताओं को कम से कम एक पुत्र तो मिल जाता।
Question 7.
How did the four brothers rise to their former selves ?
चारों भाई अपनी पहली अवस्था में कैसे आ गये ?
Yaksha was happy at the just nature of Yudhishthira. He sprinkled water on the four brothers and they rose to their former selves.
यक्ष युधिष्ठिर की न्याय नीति से प्रसन्न हुए व उन्होंने चारों भाइयों पर पानी छिड़का और वे अपनी पहली अवस्था में आ गये।
Question 8.
What moral do you draw from this story ?
इस कहानी से क्या शिक्षा मिलती है ?
Virtue never goes unrewarded.
सद्गुण कभी प्रतिफल के बिना नहीं जाता।
(B) Tick the Correct one
(सही विकल्प को चिन्हित करें:).
Question 1.
Yudhishthira was Nakula’s:
(a) real brother
(b) half brother
(c) cousin.
(b) half brother.
Question 2.
Sahadev grieved for his:
(a) dead brother
(b) dead mother
(c) dead father.
(a) dead brother.
Question 3.
Who paid special heed to the strange voice ?
(a) Arjuna
(b) Nakula
(c) Yudhishthira.
(a) Yudhishthira.
Question 4.
Yaksha was highly pleased with:
(a) Nakula
(b) Yudhishthira
(c) Arjuna.
(b) Yudhishthira.
Let’s Learn (आओ याद करें):
(A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate modal auxiliary verbs:
(उचित model auxiliary क्रियाओं से रिक्त स्थान भरें:)
(use negative where required)
- The weathers report says it ……………. rain today.
- …………… you read this poem for me, please ?
- I am not well. I ………….. work for long.
- The new counter ……………. open next Monday.
- …………… I use your phone ?
- may
- Can
- can’t
- might
- May.
(B) What questions will you ask in each of the following situations:
(निम्न स्थितियों में आपक्या प्रशन पूछेंगे?)
(Use a modal in each sentence)
- You want to have some ice cream.
- You want to know who is on the telephone.
- You want to know the time.
- May I have some ice cream ?
- May I know who is on the telephone ?
- Can I know the time ?
(C) Frame sentences with the help of the given information.
(दी गई सूचना से वाक्य बनायें)
Nakul was Madri’s Son.
1. Nakul looked all over the forest
The Yaksha was a divine spirit.
2. The Yaksha asked many questions.
Bhima was very strong.
3. Bhima paid no heed to the strange voice.
Arjun was very good at archery.
4. Arjuna was a great warrior.
Sahedev was the youngest Pandav.
5. Sahdeva failed to return.
Yudhishthira was famous for his justice.
6. Yudhishthira answered all the questions very well.
- Nakul, who was Madri’s son, looked all over the forest.
- The Yaksha, who was divine spirit, asked many questions.
- Bhima, who was very strong, paid no heed to the strange voice.
- Arjuna, who was very good at bow, was a 1 great warrior.
- Sahadev who as the youngest Pandava, failed to return.
- Yudhishthira, who was famous for his justice, answered all the questions very well.
Let’s Talk (आओ बात करें):
Make two groups. One will ask the questions in column A and the other will find the correct answers from column B.
(दो समूह बनाएँ। उनमें से एक कॉलम A से प्रश्न पूछेगा और दूसरा कॉलम B से सही उत्तर देगा)।

- (e)
- (i)
- (f)
- (a)
- (h)
- (b)
- (d)
- (f)
- (c)
- (g).
Let’s Read (आओ पढ़ें):
Here is Yudhishthira’s diary. Go through this record and answer the questions given below:
(यह युधिष्ठिर की डायरी है। इस विवरण को पढ़ो और नीचे लिखे प्रश्नों के उत्तर दोः)
Question 1.
Who were wandering in the forest ?
Pandavas were wandering in the forest.
Question 2.
When were the Pandavas wandering in the forest ?
Pandavas were wandering in the forest at 4 p.m.
Question 3.
At what time did they fell thirsty ?
They felt thristy at 4.05 p.m.
Question 4.
When did Yudhishthira order Nakul to bring water ?
Yudhishthira ordered Nakul to bring water at 4.30 p.m.
Question 5.
When did Yudhishthira himself go to pool ?
He himself went to pool at 6 p.m.
Let’s Write (आओ लिखो):
Read the telephonic conversation and the message given in the book:
Now read the given telephonic conversation and write the message.
(पुस्तक में दिये टेलीफोन पर वार्तालाप और संदेश को पढ़ें। अब नीचे दिये टेलीफोन पर बातचीत को पढ़ें और संदेश लिखो।)

Let’s do it (आओ इसे करें):
Read more stories about great-men and mythological heroes and tell them in your class.
(Ask your teacher to help you.)
महान व्यक्तियों और पौराणिक नायकों के बारे में और अधिक कहानियाँ पढ़ो और अपनी कक्षा में बताओ।
(अपने शिक्षक से सहायता लो।)
Do yourself.
Top site ,.. amazaing post ! Just keep the work on !