Chapter 7 : The Lost Camel
The Lost Camel Word Meanings
Camel (कैमल्)-ऊँट.; Duck (डक)-बतख; Elephant (ऐलीफेन्ट)-हाथी; Lion (लायन)-शेर; Merchants (मर्चेन्ट्स)-सौदागर; Searching (सचिंग) -खोज रहे; Lost (लॉस्ट)-खोया हुआ; Desert (डेजर्ट) -रेगिस्तान; Drag (ड्रेग)-खींचना; Owners (ओनर्स) -मालिकों; Lame (लेम)-लंगड़ा Blind (ब्लाइन्ड) -अन्धा; Surprised (सरप्राइज्ड)-अचम्भित हुए; Indeed (इन्डीड)-वास्तव में; Sure (श्योर)-निश्चित; Honey (हनी)-शहद; Caught hold of (कॉट होल्ड ऑफ)-पकड़ लिया; Angrily (एन्ग्रीली)-नाराजगी से; Calmly (कामली)-चुपचाप; Listened (लिसन्ड)-सुना; Footprints (फुटप्रिन्ट्स)-पदचिह्न; Smiled (स्माइल्ड) -मुस्कुराया; Animal (एनीमल)-पशु; Bees (बीज़) -मधुमक्खियाँ।
(A) Answer the following questions :
(निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए।)
Question 1.
Why were the two merchants surprised at the old man’s questions?
The two merchants were surprised at the old man’s questions as they thought how he could know about their camel that it was lame, blind in the left eye, carrying wheat on one side and honey one the other side of its back.
Question 2.
Why did the merchants think that the old man had seen the camel ?
The merchants thought that the old man had seen the camel because he gave the real information to the merchants about their camel.
Question 3.
Why did they take the old man to the Khalifa?
They took the old man to the Khalifa because they thought that he had stolen the goods and killed the animal.
Question 4.
How did the old man know that the camel was blind ? .
The old man knew that the camel was blind in the left eye because it had eaten the leaves of bushes on only one side of the road.
Question 5.
Why were the bees flying on one side of the road ?
The camel was carrying honey on one side of its back so the bees were attracted to it and were flying on one side of the road.
Question 6.
Why did the Khalifa not punish the old man?
The Khalifa did not punish the old man because he had made wise use of his eyes to look at things.
(B) Complete the following sentences using the correct option:
(सही विकल्प चुनकर निम्न वाक्यों को पूर्ण कीजिए।)
Question 1.
The two merchants were looking …………..
(a) for their friend
(b) for their lost camel
(c) for their family members.
(b) for their lost camel.
Question 2.
The old man’s answers were in the form of …………..
(a) silence
(b) statements
(c) questions.
(c) questions.
Question 3.
The old man asked whether …………..
(a) The camel could not walk fast
(b) the camel carried a heavy load
(c) the camel was lame.
(c) the camel was lame.
Question 4.
The merchants were angry because …………..
(a) They thought that the old man had stolen the goods and killed the camel.
(b) They thought that the old man was making fun of them.
(c) They thought that they would never get their camel back.
(a) They thought that the old man had stolen the goods and killed the camel.
Question 5.
The old man knew the camel was lame because …………..
(a) one of its footprints could hardly be seen.
(b) the ants carried fallen grains from one side of the road.
(c) he had seen the camel before.
(a) one of its footprints could hardly be seen.
Question 6.
The Khalifa said that the old man knew so much about the camel because …………..
(a) he was an expert
(b) he had killed the camel
(c) he used his eyes to look at things carefully.
(c) he used his eyes to look at things carefully.
Question 7.
The merchants went to …………….
(a) the camel
(b) the Khalifa
(c) the king.
(b) The Khalifa.
Question 8.
The camel was …………..
(a) lame in one leg
(b) blind in one eye
(c) both lame in one leg and blind in one eye.
(c) both lame in one leg and blind in one eye.
Question 9.
The Khalifa said to the merchants …………….
(a) use your ears
(b) use your eyes
(c) use your mouth
(b) use your eyes.
Question 10.
The old man had….
(a) stolen the camel
(b) killed the camel
(c) never seen the camel.
(c) never seen the camel.
Word Power (शब्द समर्थ) :
(A) Match the words with their meanings :
(शब्दों का उनके अर्थ से मिलान कीजिए)

- → (a)
- → (e)
- → (b)
- → (c)
- → (d)
(B) Fill in the blank spaces using the given words or phrases:
(दिये शब्दों या वाक्यांशों का प्रयोग कर रिक्त स्थानों को भरिए।)
(carrying, understand, searching, the ship of the desert, a lame excuse, foolproof, to work hard, to turn a blind eye, leave footprint, angry)
1. Bhola was ………… for his ball.
2. The truck was ………… bags of onions.
3. The teacher was ………… because Suraj did not do his work.
4. No one could ………… the story told by Ramesh.
5. The police ………… When they saw the thief was running away.
6. The camel is known as …………
7. Ramesh had not done his homework so he made ………… of falling sick.
8. Some products in the market claim to be a ………… remedy for illness.
9. Shyama has ………… to secure good marks.
10. If you ………… on the sand at a beach, the sea is sure to wash them away.
1. searching
2. carrying
3. angry
4. understand
5. turned a blind eye
6. the ship of the desert
7. a lame excuse
8. foolproof
9. to work hard
10. leave footprint.
Grammar in Use (व्याकरण प्रयोग):
(A) Fill in the blank spaces with correct form of given verbs :
(दी गई क्रियाओं के सही रूप से खाली स्थान भरिए।)
Two boys were playing in the ground with a ball. A few boys watched them. All of them were enjoying their free time. Suddenly it started raining. Now all of them ran back to their rooms. One of them picked up the ball.
(B) Make questions to get the following answers. Start with the ‘Wh’ word given in front of each sentence.
(निम्न उत्तरों को पाने के लिए प्रश्न बनाइए। प्रत्येक वाक्य को आगे ‘Wh’ शब्द से शुरू करिए।)
- When does she have her lunch?
- What does she have for lunch ?
- Where did she have dinner last night?
Let’s Talk:
You are talking to a friend on telephone who has returned from a journey during vacation. Ask five questions about his/her journey.
You may ask the following questions to your friend :
- Where did you go?
- When did you leave ?
- How was the weather there?
- How was your journey?
- How was the place you visited ?
Let’s Write
1. Imagine that you are the camel in the story. Write the story using the following words:
Lake, tracks, footprints, went back, happy, leaves, lost, sand.
2. Give a title to your story.
Camel in desert
I (Camel) have to walk on the sandy tracks. I leave my footprints. These are erased and lost by strong winds. The widespread sand area looks like a lake of water. I went there thinking I could get water there but I didn’t, so I went back. In that sandy land I got some leaves and I was very happy.
Let’s Do It:
(A) Write names of the given animals/birds :
(दिए गए जानवरों/पक्षियों के नाम लिखिए।)
- Elephant
- Zebra
- Penguin
- Giraffe.
Write at least four sentences about each of the four pictures shown in the text. Use the clues given in the boxes.
1. Elephant
- Elephant is the largest land animal.
- It has a long trunk.
- It is greyish black in colour.
- It eats leaves, fruits and sugarcane.
2. Zebra
- Zebra is a wild animal.
- It has black and white stripes on its body.
- It is a herbivorous animal i.e., it eats leaves and plants.
- It lives in the forest.
3. Penguin
- Penguin is a flightless bird.
- It is white and black in colour.
- It eats fishes.
- Penguin is an inhabitant of Arctic region.
- Giraffe is the tallest animal.
- It has a long neck and slender body.
- It has patched skin.
- It eats leaves and plants.
(B) Read the given passage and answer the questions given below it:
(दिये गए गद्यांश को पढ़िए और नीचे दिए प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए।)
Question 1.
In what ways can the camel help us in agriculture ?
Camels pull ploughs, turn wheels to irrigate fields and carry goods to the market, thereby helping in agriculture.
Question 2.
What’s the use of the camel’s hump?
Camel’s hump is used as a source of energy when food and water are scarce.
Question 3.
How is the camel’s body suited to desert’s hard conditions ?
Camel has a hump which acts as a source of energy when food and water are scarce. It has broad, soft feet for a steady grip in the sand. A thick skin protects it from sun and cold nights. Its eyes have three eyelids to keep out sand. Its ears and nose are adapted to keep out sand storms.
Question 4.
What does the camel eat?
Camel eats grass, dates and grain when available. Deep in the desert it eats dry leaves and seeds.
Question 5.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
Camel – the ship of the desert.