lesson 13 : One Way Ticket-II
Word Meanings Absolutely (एब्सोल्यूटलि)-बिल्कुल; Available (अवेलेबल)-उपलब्ध; Caterpillar (कैटरपिलर)-इल्ली; झिनगा; Decorated (डैकोरेटेड)-सजा हुआ; Really (रीयली)-वास्तव में; Dizzy (डिज़ी)-चक्कर आना; Enough (इनफ)- पर्याप्त; Filing (फिलिंग)- भरना; Horse ride (हॉर्स राईड)-घुड़सवारी; Indeed (इन्डीड)वास्तव, असल में; Opt (ऑप्ट)-चुनना, पसन्द; Pool (पूल)-एकत्र करना, जमा करना; Ride (राइड)-चढ़ना,सवारी; Saved (सेव्ड्)-बचाना; Scared (स्केअर्ड)डरा हुआ, भयभीत; Separately (सेपरेट्ली)-अलग से; Snacks (स्नैक्स)-हल्का नाश्ता; Certainly (सर्टेनली)अवश्य; Swing (स्विंग)-झूला; Spend (स्पेंड)-खर्च करना; Wonderful (वण्डरफुल)-आश्चर्यजनक; Trace (ट्रेस)-खोजना; Worry (वरी)-चिन्ता; Worth (वर्थ)लायक, योग्य।
Answer the questions given below :
(निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए)
Question 1.
What did the children like most when they reached the fair?
Children liked the lights in the fair, the most.
Question 2.
Why did the children decide to stay together?
The children decided to stay together so that they are not lost in the crowd.
Question 3.
Why do you think jalebies and bhajias are filling ?
I think jalebies and bhajias are filling because they are heavy and take long to digest.
Question 4.
Why do you like a caterpillar train ride?
I like the caterpillar train ride because it is a joy ride and it takes us round the fair too.
Question 5.
What kind of seats does a merry-goround have ?
The merry-go-round has decorated wooden horses as seats.
Question 6.
Why did ‘Lambu’ want to go on a ‘merry go-round’?
Lambu wanted to go on a merry-go-round as on it they could ride a horse too.
Question 7.
Why is the story called “One way Ticket” ?
All the five friends collected their money they had and then only they were able to buy a one way ticket for the return journey.
Word Power :
(A) Use the phrases given below in sentences given after them :
(निम्नलिखित वाक्यांशों को उनके बाद में दिये वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए।)
trace (anyone, anything), opt for, get lost, find out, joy rides, get dizzy, pool money, go round.
- I have put my pen somewhere. I am not able to ………………
- What will you ……………… after matriculation Arts, Science or Commerce ?
- The child held his mother’s hand tightly so that he may not ………………
- ……………… the correct solution of this sum.
- There were several ……………… at the fair.
- If you stand under the hot sun you will. ………………
- The principal like to ……………… the school to see all the classes.
- trace it
- opt for
- get lost
- Find out
- joy rides
- get dizzy
- go round.
(B) Given below are some words which have similar sounds but different meanings, match these words with their meanings in each pair:
(नीचे कुछ शब्द दिए गए हैं जिनकी ध्वनि समान है लेकिन उनके अर्थ भिन्न हैं। इन शब्दों का उनके अर्थों से मिलान कर जोड़े बनाइए।)
- fare – (a) opposite of ‘there’
- here – (b) receiving sounds by ear
- fair – (c) money paid for a ticket
- hear – (d) gathering of shops etc. for public entertainment.
- → (c)
- → (a)
- → (d)
- → (b)
Grammar in Use :
(A) Combine the following sentences using who, what, when, which, or where.
(निम्न वाक्यों को Who,what,when,which या where का प्रयोग कर जोड़िए)
Question 1.
I entered the room. Sheila was sleeping. (when)
I entered the room when Sheila was sleeping.
Question 2.
Mohan has gone. I do not know. (where)
I do not know where Mohan has gone.
Question 3.
The doctor came. The patient had died. (when)
The doctor came when the patient had died.
Question 4.
Mother kept the milk on the shelf. The cat could not reach it. (where)
Mother kept the milk on the shelf where the cat could not reach.
Question 5.
You want something. I do not know. (what)
I do not know what you want.
Question 6.
The police caught the thief. He had stolen the necklace. (who)
the police caught the thief who had stolen the necklace.
(B) Rewrite the following sentence using ‘tool:
(‘too’ का प्रयोग कर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को लिखिए)
Question 1.
This exercise is so difficult that I can’t do it.
This exercise is too difficult for me to do.
Question 2.
It is so hot that I can’t walk outside.
It is too hot for me to walk outside.
Question 3.
It is so dark that one can’t see.
It is too dark for to see.
Question 4.
She is so young that she can’t do such hard work.
She is too young to do such hard work.
Question 5.
The bed is so hard that no one can sleep on it.
The bed is too hard to sleep on it.
(C) Rewrite the following sentences using fullstops (.), capital letters, question marks (?), commas (,), inverted commas (” “) and exclamation marks (!) wherever necesary:
(निम्न वाक्यों को फुल स्टॉप (.), केपीटल अक्षर, प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह्न (?), कोमा (,), उद्धरण चिह्न (” “) और विस्मयादि बोध (!) चिन्ह्न लगाइए।)
Once Bishni, Kishto, Gittu and Lambu went to see a Bal Mela in the nearby high school. There, they saw many science models made by the students. Bishni said, “What is this model about ?” Kishto explained, “This tells you about how water is pumped up with the help of electric motor.” Bishni, “I can see water coming out of the tap.” Lambu said, “Such models are called working models.”
Let’s Talk :
Talk to your friends about various sweets/ dishes they like to eat and the swings/rides they enjoy in a fair and write them in the table. You can choose from these words.
swings and rides : (merry-go-round, giant wheel, horse ride, see-saw, train ride, car-rides, motor cycle rides)
sweets and dishes : (jalebi, bhajia, samosa, barfi, kulfi, papad, dosa, chat, pani-puri).

Ask four of your friends these questions to complete your table. Your friends will make the same chart and ask some questions.
- What is your name?
- Which sweets and dishes do you like most? (one sweet/one dish)
- Which swings do you prefer?
- What rides did you take in the fair you visited last?
अपने मित्रों से विभिन्न प्रकार के मिठाइयों/पकवानों के बारे में बात करो जो उन्हें पसन्द हों और वे झूले जो वे मेले में पसन्द करते हों, उसकी एक सारिणी बनाओ। इन प्रश्नों को अपने चार मित्रों से पूछो और सारिणी पूरी करो। तुम्हारे मित्र भी ऐसी ही एक सारिणी बनाकर तुमसे वे ही प्रश्न पूँछेगे।
- आपका नाम क्या है?
- आप कौन-सी मिठाइयाँ और पकवान अधिक पसन्द करते हो?
- आप किस झूले को प्राथमिकता देते हो? 4. मेले में अंतिम बार आपने कौन-सी सवारी की?
Let’s Write :
(A) Read the given telephonic conversation and then write in the following paragraph what Sonam will have to do the following morning:
(नीचे दिए टेलीफोन वार्तालाप को पढ़िए और सोनम को अगली सुबह क्या करना है, इस पर एक अनुच्छेद लिखिए।)
Sonam will have to go to receive Montu the next morning at 9.30 a.m. at Habibganj station and take him to Professor’s Colony. He is having a computer test at NIIT, Arera Colony the next day so she will have to leave his luggage at home, give him some breakfast and take him for the test. She will have to pick him up at 5 p.m. from there when he finishes the test and put him on the train for Delhi at 7.30 p.m. (B) Fill in the blank spaces in the paragraph below using the words given in the box below:
(कोष्ठक में दिये गए शब्दों का प्रयोग कर अनुच्छेद के रिक्त स्थानों करे भरो।
(receive, bring, leave, computer centre, Habibganj, will, then, I’ll, luggage, Bhopal, test, 5 P.M., Professor’s Colony, have)
I’ll receive, Montu at Habibganj railway station. Then I’ll bring Montu to our house at Professor’s Colony. We’ll then have breakfast and leave, for NIIT computer centre. Montu will then take his test. He will be free by 5 p.m. I’ll then take him home. We will pick up his luggage and then go to the main station at Bhopal.
Let’s Do It :
Make a list of the things that you enjoyed in a fair. Draw a picture of the fair and write about your picture.
(मेले में आपने जिन वस्तुओं से आनन्द प्राप्त किया उनकी एक सूची बनाओ। मेले का एक चित्र बनाओ और अपने चित्र के बारे में लिखो।
Students can write themselves according to their individual choice what they enjoy in a fair. They can then draw the picture of the fair and write about it.