Anita Feeds Appu Word Meanings
Courtyard (कोर्टयार्ड)-आँगन; Excited (एक्साइटेड)-उत्तेजित; Cartoon (कार्टून)-कार्टून; Gobbling (गॉब्लिग)-निगलते हुए; Balance (बैलेन्स) -सन्तुलन; Surprised (सरप्राइज्ड)-अचम्भित; Believe (बिलीव)-विश्वास करना; Right there (राइट देअर) -ठीक वहाँ; To feed (टू फीड)-खिलाना; To watch (टू वॉच)-रखवाली करना; To fall off (टू फॉल ऑफ)-गिर पड़ना; To ride (टू राइड)-सवारी करना; To help (टू हैल्य)-सहायता करना; At one go (एट वन गो)-एक बार में; Guava (गुआवा)-अमरूद; Suck (सक) चूसना; Scared (स्केअर्ड)-डरा हुआ; Notice (नोटिस)-ध्यान देना; Follow (फॉलो)-पीछा करना; Movie (मूवी) -चलचित्र; Towards (टुवर्ड्स)- की ओर।
Comprehension :
Answer the questions given below :
(निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए)
Question 1.
Why is Anita very excited today?
Anita is very excited today to see Appu at her door.
Question 2.
Where has she seen the elephants before ?
She has seen the elephants in the movies and cartoon shows.
Question 3.
How did Appu drink a bucketful of water?
Appu drank a bucketful of water at one go.
Question 4.
What did Appu do with his trunk ?
Appu took the bananas in his trunk and put them into his mouth with it.
Question 5.
How did the Mahout help the children ride Appu?
The Mahout helped the children climb on to the elephant’s back by making them seated in the howdah.
Question 6.
Have you ever had an elephant ride? Do you like it? Why?
Yes, I had an elephant ride when I was in class VI. I went to visit the National Park with my parents. Yes, I liked it very much.
Word Power :
(A) Match the word with their meanings :

- → (b)
- → (a)
- → (d)
- → (c)
- → (f)
- → (g)
- → (e)
(B) Fill in the blank spaces with the proper words and then complete the puzzle :
(उचित शब्दों से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए और फिर पहेली पूरी कीजिए)

- The banana tree was in Anita’s courtyard.
- Elephant can gobble up a whole tree.
- The mahout took the children for a ride.
- Anita was very excited that day.
- Anita thought she can never balance on back of an elephant.
- Anita’s mother wanted to watch the elephant eating.
- Anita and her friends were a little afraid while sitting on the howdah.

Grammar in Use (व्याकरण का प्रयोग) :
Make sentences of your own using the following phrases :
(निम्नलिखित वाक्याशों का प्रयोग करते हुए अपने वाक्य बनाइए)
1. Bread : a loaf of bread, a slice of bread, a kilo of bread
2. Soap : a cake of soap, a bar of soap
3. Paper : a ream of paper, a piece of paper, a sheet of paper
4. Furniture : a piece of furniture, furniture in a room.
5. Chalk : a piece of chalk, a kilo of chalk, a box of chalk
(a) He was eating a loaf of bread.
(b) Please give me a slice of bread.
(c) Raj’s mother asked him to bring a kilo of bread from the market.
(a) Rita always kept a cake of soap in her purse.
(b) Meena was washing her clothes with a bar of soap.
(a) He bought a ream of paper for making History notes.
(b) Please give me a piece of paper to note down her address.
(c) The teacher took the students’ attendance on a sheet of paper that day.
(a) The sofa-set in that shop is a marvellous piece of furniture I had ever seen.
(b) There was no furniture in the room.
(a) A naughty student threw a piece of chalk on the teacher.
(b) Please bring a kilo of chalk from that shop.
(c) I have brought a box of chalk for writing on the black-board.
Let’s Talk (आओ बात करें):
Ask the following questions in your class and complete the table :
(निम्न प्रश्नों को अपनी कक्षा में पछिए और तालिका को पूरा कीजिए)
- Would you like to share your room with our pet animals?
- Will your parents agree to it?
- Does this pet take a lot of space ?

Let’s Write (आओ लिखों):
(A) Discuss in groups about the animals you know and how are they useful to us. Complete your description using some of these words.
(जानवरों के बारे में समूह में चर्चा कीजिए जिन्हें तुम जानते हो और वे किस प्रकार से तुम्हारे लिए उपयोगी हैं।)
Children may discuss in different groups about the different per animals using the clues given in the question. Like
Group A
Camel is called the ‘Ship of the desert’. It carries heavy load on its back. It is used by caravan of travellers to travel in desert. It can live without water for several days.
Group B
Cow gives us milk and is worshipped in the society as Guamata. Cow dung is used as a fuel.
Group C
Donkey carries load on its back. It is used by washerman to carry pile of clothes. Similarly, they can discuss about the sheep and the elephant.
(B) Read the notes and write about the monkey.
(निम्न संकेतों को पढ़ो और बन्दर के बारे में लिखिए।)
Students can write about the Matroo monkey using the notes as follows:
Matroo monkey lives on trees. Its family consists of other monkeys. Children and some monkeys are its friends. It likes to play and jump on the trees. It eats fruits and always remains happy. Its fur is graybrown in colour, but face is red and eyes are black. It is medium sized.
Let’s Do It (आओ इसे करें) :
(A) Read the names of animals given below and classify them in the following table :
(नीचे दिए गए जानवरों के नाम पढ़िए और उनका निम्नलिखित तालिका में वर्गीकृत करिए।)
peacock, wolf, dog, pigeon, tiger, fish, bear, crocodile, sparrow, cow, goat, frog.

(B) Given below is a table with the names of some animals. Complete the table by filling in the colour, food, size and the place they live in.
(नीचे दी गई तालिका में कुछ जानवरों के नाम हैं। तालिका को इनके रंग, भोजन, आकार और इनके रहने के स्थान भरकर पूर्ण कीजिए।)