MP Board Class 8th General English Solutions Lesson 12 – Know More About

Word Meanings

Ability (एबिलिटी) – योग्यता; Appease (अपीज़ – शान्त); Ancestor (ऐन्सेस्टर) – पूर्वज; Archeological (आर्किओलॉजिकल) – पुरातत्वीय; Art and Culture (आर्ट एण्ड कल्चर) – कला और संस्कृति; Attic (ऐटिक) – अटारी; Characteristic (कैरेक्टरिस्टिक) – विशिष्टता; Cow – dung (काउ-डंग) – गोबर; Customary (कस्टमरी) – रिवाजी; Decorate (डेकोरेट) – सजाना; Dynasty (डाईनेस्टी – राजवंश; Enquire (एनक्वायर) – पूछना; Glorious (ग्लोरिअस) – यशस्वी, शानदार; Heritage (हेरिटेज – विरासत); Insight (इनसाइट) – अन्तर्दृष्टि, पूरी जानकारी) Memory (मेमरी) – याद, याददाश्त, स्मरण; maximum (मैक्सिमम) – अधिकतम; Migrate (माइग्रेट) – प्रवास; occasion (ओकेजन) – अवसर, मौका; Ornaments (ऑर्नामेन्ट्स) – आभूषण; Peculiar (पिक्यूलिअर) – अनूठा; Polite (पोलाइट) – शिष्ट, नम्र; Pillar (पिलर) – खम्भा; Recognition (रिकग्निशन) – पहचान, मान्यता; Scatter (स्कैटर) – बिखेरना; Stray (स्ट्रे) – घूमना, भटकना; Society (सोसाइटी) – समाज; Spacious (स्पेशिअस) – विस्तृत; Stone Carved (स्टोन काड) – पत्थर पर उकेरा गया; Symbol (सिम्बल) – प्रतीक; Skill (स्किल) – कौशल; Tattoos (टैटूस) – गोदना; Treasure (ट्रेजर) – खजाना; Vast बास्ट – बहुत बड़ा Venue (वेन्यू) – स्थान; Weapon (वेपन) – हथियार; Attraction (अट्रैक्शन) – आकर्षण।

Word Power (शब्द सामर्थ्य):

(A) Underline the silent letter in the following words:
(निम्न शब्दों में मूक अक्षरों को रेखांकित करें:)

  1. edge
  2. tomb
  3. palm
  4. adjective
  5. bomb
  6. could
  7. badge
  8. comb
  9. walk

(B) Add suffix-ly to the following words and make sentences of your own with the same derivatives:
(निम्न शब्दों में प्रत्यय -ly जोड़ें और उन व्युत्पन्न शब्दों से अपने वाक्य बनाए)
1. Beautiful → beautifully.
   She writes beautifully.

2. Simple → simply.
It made him simply angry.

3. General→ generally.
He generally comes late at home.

4. Quiet → quietly.
He entered the room quietly.

5. Main → mainly.
He goes for outing mainly on Sundays.

6. Actual→ actually.
Actually he is a doctor.

Comprehension (बोध प्रश्न) :

(A) Answer these questions.
इन प्रश्नों का उत्तर दें।

Question 1.
What does the word ‘Bhil’ stand for ?
भील शब्द का क्या अभिप्राय है ?
The word ‘Bhil’ stands for bow, the weapon.
भील शब्द का अर्थ कमान होता है, जो एक हथियार है।

Question 2.
Mention the names of tribal rich areas in M.P.
एमः पी. के जाति समृद्ध क्षेत्रों के नाम बताइए।
The areas in which tribes live in M.P. are Jhabua, Dhar, Khargone, Barwani, Ratlam etc.
जिन जगहों पर एम. पी. में जनजातियाँ पाई जाती हैं वो हैं झाबुआ, धार, खरगोन, बरवानी, रतलाम इत्यादि।

Question 3.
What is ‘Gatla’?
गटला क्या है ?
Gatla is a memory pillar which is stone carved and oil painted.
गटला एक यादगार खम्बा है जिस पर पत्थर नक्काशी हुई है व तैल चित्र बने हुए हैं।)

Question 4.
What kinds of dresses do the Bhil women wear ?
भील औरतें किस प्रकार के कपड़े पहनती हैं ?
Women wear colorful ghaghara with polka, kanchali etc.
औरतें रंग-बिरंगे घाघरे, पोल्का व कनछली आदि के साथ पहनती हैं।

Question 5.
What are the important dance forms of Bhils?
भीलों के प्रमुख डाँस प्रकार कौन से हैं ?
Important dance forms of Bhils are Solo, La hari, Pali, Dandavadi, Ghodo, Dang Solo and Chhalavadi. ,
भीलों के प्रमुख डाँस हैं सोलो, लहरी, पाली, डन्डावदी, घोदो, डाँग, सोलो और छलवदी।

Question 6.
Mention some of the names of the tribal personalities who have got recognition at international level.
कुछ भीलों के नाम बताएँ जिन्होंने अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर पहचान बनाई है।
Some of the tribal personalities who have got recognition at international level are Pema Fatya, Ram Singh Urveti, Rani Durgawati and Teejan Bai.
इन जातियों के कुछ लोग जिन्होंने अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर पहचान बनाई है पेमा फत्या, रामसिंह उर्वेती, रानी दुर्गावती व तीजन बाई।

Question 7.
Write a short note on the Bhagoria Haat.
भगोरिया हाट पर एक टिप्पणी लिखें।
The weekly market a week before Holi is Bhagoria Haat. The villagers dance, apply gulal on the faces of their relatives and friends and offer them sweets and snacks, ice – candies etc. The children enjoy the ride on the swings.
होली से एक हफ्ता पहले साप्ताहिक बाजार को भगोरिया हाट कहते हैं। इसमें गाँव वाले डाँस करते हैं। दोस्तों व रिश्तेदारों को गुलाल लगाते हैं और उन्हें मिठाइयाँ व नाश्ता आदि करवाते हैं। बच्चे झूलों पर आनन्द उठाते हैं।

B.’ Say Yes or No. (हाँ या ना में उत्तर दें।)

  1. Do the Bhils live in pucca houses ?
  2. Are they fond of tattooing ?
  3. Are the Bhils proficient in stone craft ?
  4. Is Teejan Bai famous for singing Pandvani ?
  5. Do the Bhils like colorful dresses ?


  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. Yes
  5. Yes.

Let’s Learn(आओ याद करें):

A. Change the following sentences into passive voice, the verbs are given in the brackets for your help.
(निम्न वाक्यों के positive voice बदलें:)
क्रियाएँ आपकी सहायता के लिए कोष्ठकों में दी गई है।)

  1. My mother writes detective stories. (are written)
  2. The children are flying kites. (are being flown)
  3. I have done the work. (has been done)
  4. She cooked food. (was cooked)
  5. They were painting the house. (was being painted)
  6. You had sold the car. (had been sold)
  7. The villagers will guide you. (will be guided)
  8. We will have done our work. (will have been done)
  9. A Gond woman is painting the walls. (are being painted)
  10. The boy gave me a toy. (was given)


  1. Detective stories are written by my mother.
  2. Kites are being flown by the children.
  3. The work has been done by me.
  4. Food was cooked by her.
  5. The house was being painted by them.
  6. The car had been sold by you.
  7. You will be guided by the villagers.
  8. Our work will have been done by us.
  9. The walls are being painted by a Gond woman.
  10. A toy was given to me by the boy.

Let’s Talk (आओ बात करें):

Read the following telephonic conversation between friends. Complete the further statements based on the advertisement of Trade Fair’ given in Let’s Read Exercise.
(मित्रों के मध्य हुए निम्नलिखित टेलीफोन वार्ता को पढ़ें।)
‘Let’s Read Exercise’ में दिये ‘Trade Fair’ के विज्ञापन पर आगे कथन को पूरा करें।)

Raman : May I talk to Suman ?
Suman : Yes, speaking, Good morning.
Raman : Good morning. Are you interested in visiting the Rural Trade Fair running in Bhopal Haat?
Suman : 0, Yes. I will be coming with you in the evening to visit the trade fair.
Raman : Do you know about the important features of this fair ?
Suman : No, this is my first opportunity to visit a Rural Fair.
Raman : It is being held from 2nd October to 30th October
Suman : You were talking about the important features.
Raman : Yes, the important feature is the magic hands of different artists from all over the state.
Suman : In there any specialty related to the dress material shop
Raman : Yes, there will be dress materials with bagh prints, pithora art, Bundani and Madhubani paintings.
Suman : Will there be any cultural programme also ?
Raman : Yes, there will be special presentations and cultural programmes also.
Suman : I am relay excited to visit the fair. O. K. Bye, We’ll be meeting tomorrow at 4 p.m.
Raman: Bye.

Let’s Read (आओ पढ़ें):

Here is given an advertisement of a Rural / Tribal Trade fair. Read the given information and answer the questions that follow:
(यहाँ पर हम एक ग्रामीण/जनजातीय मेले का विज्ञापन है। निम्न सूचना को पढ़ें और दिये गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दोः)

Question 1.
What are the main attractions of the trade fair ?
The main attractions of the trade fair are metal craft, stone craft, wood craft, comb and basketry, maati work, clay, dress materials and cultural programmes.

Question 2.
Name the venue of this trade fair ?
Bhopal Haat is the venue of this trade fair.

Question 3.
What is the duration of this fair ?
The duration of this fair is 28 days i.e. from 2nd October, to 30th October.

Question 4.
Who is organizing this fair ?
This fair is being organized by Panchyat and Rural Development dept. M.P. Govt., S.C. and S.T. Welfare Department.

Question 5.
How many stalls are there in this trade fair ?
There are six stalls in this trade fair.

Question 6.
What types of dress materials are available in this trade fair ?
The dress materials with Bagh Prints, Pithora Art, Bundani and Madhubani paintings are available in the trade fair.

Let’s Write (आओ लिखो):

Compare the bar diagrams given in the book and write a paragraph on the basis of the questions given below.
(पुस्तक में दिये बार-चित्रों की तुलना करें और नीचे दिये प्रश्नों के आधार पर एक पैराग्राफ लिखें।)
According to the cenus, Jhabua has the maximum population. In both the censuses, khanduva and khargone have almost the same population. The total population of Dhar, Jhabua and Badwani was.53,44,311 Sidhi has the maximum growth of 3,46,497 in population of S.C. and S.T. The minimum population is of the district Mandla according to the census of 2001.

Let’s do it (आओ इसे करें):

Visit Many Sangrahalaya / any tribal village / talk to your teacher and collect more information about the different tribes of Madhya Pradesh.
Do yourself.

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