Word Meanings
Conserve (कन्ज़र्व) – बचाना; Appreciate (अप्रीशिएट) – प्रशंसा करना; Burning issues (बर्निंग इशूस) – महत्वपूर्ण विषय; Information (इनफॉर्मेशन) – सूचना जानकारी; Literally (लिटरलि) – शब्दशः Ruthless (रूथलैस) – निर्दयतापूर्वक; Scarcity (स्कैर्सिटी) – कमी; Migrate (माइग्रेट) – प्रव्रजन; Accommodate (अकॉमडेट – जगह देना; Motivate (मोटिवेट) – प्रेरणा देना; Accumulate (अक्यूम्यूलेट) – एकत्रित करना; Inaugural (इनॉग्यूरल) – प्रारम्भिक, उद्घाटन; Deity (डेटि) – देवी देवता; Reverence (रेवरेन्स) – श्रद्धा, आदर; functional (फंक्शनल) – क्रियाशील, क्रियात्मक; Participate (पार्टिसिपेट) – हिस्सा लेना; Voluntarily (वॉलन्टरिली) – स्वेच्छा से; Sublime (सबलाइम) – महान, श्रेष्ठ; Cuddle (कड्ल) – गले लगाना; Howling (हाउलिंग) – चीखना; Patience (पेशेन्स) – धैर्यवान; Eternal (इटर्नल) – शाश्वत; Dedicated (डेडिकेटिड) – समर्पित।
Word Power (शब्द सामर्थ्य):
(A) Look at the pictures and the sentences given below them and fill in the blanks choosing the correct words given in the box.
(चित्रों और उनके नीचे दिये वाक्यों को देखो और बॉक्स में दिए सही शब्दों द्वारा रिक्त स्थान भरें।)
- We should accommodate other passengers also.
- Birds migrate from one place to the other.
- We must conserve water.
- There is sufficient water in the glass.
- Ruthless cutting of the trees has resulted in scanty rainfall.
- Misers accumulate money and this creates problems.
(B) Complete the following paragraph using the words given:
(दिये गये शब्दों का प्रयोग करके निम्न पैराग्राफ को पूरा करें:)
The villagers don’t have enough information about many burning issues. it is our duty to motivate them to know about these. We should draw the best out of them and appreciate their efforts.
Comprehension (बोध प्रश्न):
Answer the following questions:
(निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:)
(a) Where does Mayank live ?
मयंक कहाँ रहता है ?
Mayank lives in a small village.
मयंक एक छोटे से गाँव में रहता है।
(b) Who wrote a letter to Priya and why ?
प्रिया को किसने और क्यों चिट्ठी लिखी ?
Mayank wrote a letter to Priya because he wanted to tell her about conservation of water.
मयंक ने प्रिया को यह बताने के लिए पत्र लिखा कि हम
पानी को कैसे बचा सकते हैं।
(c) What programme was launched in the village?
गाँव में कौन-सा कार्यक्रम शुरू किया गया ?
Water conservation programme was launched in the village.
गाँव में जल संरक्षण कार्यक्रम शुरू किया गया।
(d) What is meant by the word conservation ?
कन्जर्वेशन का क्या अर्थ है ?
The word conservation means to save something.
कन्जर्वेशन शब्द का अर्थ है किसी चीज़ को बचाना।
(e) Why do the villagers migrate to cities and towns ?
गाँव वाले गाँव छोड़कर शहरों व कस्बों में क्यों चले जाते हैं ?
The villagers migrate to towns and cities in search of work.
गाँव वाले काम की तलाश में गाँव छोड़कर शहरों व कस्बों में जाते हैं।
(f) What are we trying to do under water conservation programme
हम पानी बचाने के लिए क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं ?
Under water conservation programme we are trying to harvest rain water at different levels.
पानी बचाने के लिए हम विभिन्न स्तरों पर बारिश क पानी एकत्रित करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।
(g) Choose the correct answers:
Question 1.
A dam is:
(a) a river
(b) a big wall across a river
(c)a pond
(d) a well.
(b) a big wall across a river.
Question 2.
A burning issue means:
(a) a painful topic.
(b) an unwanted topic.
(c) an important topic.
(d) a useless topic.
(c) an important topic.
Question 3.
A slogan means:
(a) words or phrases giving message attractively and quickly.
(b) sentences used in advertisements.
(c) dialogues in a film or television serial.
(d) a show gun.
(a) words or phrases giving massage attractively and quickly.
Question 4.
We receive water for irrigation:
(a) through rainfall
(b) by melting snow
(c) from the sea
(d) by dismantling dams.
(a) through rainfall.
Let’s Learn (आओ याद करें):
Change the following sentences into simple past tense:
(निम्न वाक्यों को साधारण Past tense में बदलें:)
Question 1.
A small river flows near the village.
A small river flowed near the village.
Question 2.
Priya lives in Itarsi.
Priya lived in Itarsi.
Question 3.
Mayank receives a letter from Priya.
Mayank received a letter from Priya.
Question 4.
He appreciates her efforts.
He appreciated her efforts.
Question 5.
She wants to write an article.
She wanted to write an article.
Question 6.
People speak a lot about water conservation.
People spoke a lot about water conservation.
Question 7.
I always think ahead.
I always thought ahead.
Question 8.
They run fast.
They ran fast.
Let’s Talk (आओ बात करें):
Make groups of five in your class and talk to one another using the table given on the next page. Fill in the table as you carry on your talk.
(अपनी कक्षा में पाँच-पाँच विद्यार्थियों का समूह बनाएं और अगले पेज पर दी गई सारणी का प्रयोग कर एक-दूसरे से बात करें सारणी क़ो भरों:)
Do Yourself.
Let’s Read (आओ पढ़ें):
Read the given passage carefully.
(दिये गये गद्यांसा को ध्यान से पढ़ें:)
(A) Now answer the following questions:
(अब निम्न प्रशनों के उतर दें:)
Question 1.
Who is the writer of this letter ?
Abraham Lincoln is the writer of this letter.
Question 2.
Why did he write the letter ?
He wrote this letter because he wanted that the teacher of his son should teach his son some important facts.
Question 3.
Who did he write the letter to ?
He wrote this letter to the teacher of his son.
Question 4.
What did he ask the teacher to teach his son ? (any one)
He asked the teacher to teach his son to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong.
Question 5.
In whom one should have sublime faith and why?
One should have sublime faith in his creator and in himself because then he will always have faith in mankind.
(B) Given below is a circle having words which are nouns and verbs. Join the words.
नीचे एक गोला है जिसमें संज्ञा और सर्वनाम शब्द हैं। शब्दों को जोड़ें।
laugh – laughter; know – knowledge; dedicate – dedication; think – thought; earn – earning; create – creator; fail – failure; enjoy – enjoyment; filter – filtration.
(C) Match the Columns:
(कॉलमों का मिलान करें:)

(a) → (iii) not to follow the not cuddle him
(b) → (v) If he thinks he is in his own ideas
(c) → (iv) only the test office makes fine steel
(d) → (i) to fail than to cheat
(e) → (ii) even if everyone tells him they are wrong.
Let’s Write (आओ लिखो):
Write a paragraph on ‘Saving Electricity’ with the help of some clues given in the book.
(पुस्तक में दिये कुछ संकेतों की सहायता से ‘बिजली बचाओ ‘ पर एक उद्धरण लिखो।)
Saving water is in some or the other way. related to producing and saving electricity. We should know the worth of it. We should switch off the lights and fans when we leave the room. We should use power saving lamps and devices so that less electricity is consumed . We should try to finish our work during day time to save electricity. We should avoid unnecessary electric decoration in marriages and other functions.
Our houses should be well ventilated and lighted so that minimum lights and fans are used. Unnecessary use of electrical appliances should be avoided. Automatic electric irons should be used because they switch off themselves when hot. Television and radios should be switched on if someone is watching or listening to them. Otherwise these should be switched off. I hope if above precautions are taken we can save much electricity for our future.
Let’s do it (आओ इसे करें):
(a) Write what you and people around you are doing to save water. Write about the results of the efforts. Collect photographs and news cuttings. Display them on the notice board of your school.
(तुम्हारे आस – पास के लोग और तुम पानी बचाने के लिए क्या कर रहे हो, लिखो। अपने प्रयासों के परिणाम के बारे में लिखो। फोटोग्राफ और कटिंग इकट्ठा करो। अपने स्कूल के सूचना – पट्ट पर उन्हें लगाओ।)
Do yourself.
(b) Give way to the waste water of your house to your kitchen garden.
(अपने घर के बेकार पानी को अपने बगीचे में ले जाओ।)
Do Yourself.
(c) See that the taps are not left, open and they do not leak.
(देखो, कि नल खुले न छोड़े गए हैं और वे लीक नहीं करते हैं।)
Do Yourself.