MP Board Class 7th General English Solution Lesson 2 : The Wise Man -I

The Wise Man-I Word Meanings

A lot of (अ लॉट ऑफ)-बहुत ज्यादा; At once (एट वन्स)-तत्काल, शीघ्र; Bargain (बार्गेन)-मोलभाव, सौदा; Certainly (सर्टेनली)- बेशक, निश्चित तौर पर; Colt (कॉल्ट)-घोड़े का बच्चा; Complain (कम्प्लेन)-शिकायत करना; Corner (कॉर्नर)-कोना; Decision (डिसिज़न) -निर्णय; Delicious (डिलिअस)-स्वादिष्ट; Donkey (डंकी)-गधा; Except (एक्सेप्ट)-सिवाय, अलावा; Exchange (एक्स्चें ज)-अदला-बदली; Expensive (एक्सपैन्सइव)-महँगा; Feed (फीड)-खिलाना; Fodder (फॉडर)-चारा; Gentleman (जैन्टलमैन)-सभ्य व्यक्ति; Gently (जैन्ट्ली ) -धीमे से, हल्के से; Hello (हलो) -पुकारने का सम्बोधन; Passing through (पासिंग थू) -गुजरते हुए; Herd of cattle (हर्ड ऑफ कैट्ल)-पशुओं का समूह; Horse trainer (हॉर्स ट्रेनर)-साईस; Hurriedly (हरिड्ली )-शीघ्रता से; Hustle and bustle (हसल एण्ड बसल)-शोर-शराबा; Lay eggs (ले एग्स्)-अण्डे देना; Little fairy (लिट्ल फेयरी)-छोटी परी; Nodded (नॉडिड)-सर हिलाया; Once upon a time (वन्स अपॉन अ टाइम)-एक समय; Otherwise (अदरवाइज़)-वरना, नही तो; Politely (पोलाइट्ली )-विनम्रता से; Retired (रिटायर्ड)-सेवानिवृत्त; Right (राइट)-सही; Temptingly (टेम्पटिंगली)-ललचाकर; Useful (यूज़फुल)-उपयोगी।

(A) Answer the questions given below:
(नीचे दिये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए)

Question 1.
Why did the horse trainer and his wife decide to sell the horse?
The horse trainer and his wife decided to sell the horse because it ate a lot of fodder and it was expensive to feed it.

Question 2.
Where did Bhola go to sell the horse ?
Bhola went to the market to sell the horse.

Question 3.
Whom did he meet first?
He first met a man with a donkey.

Question 4.
Why did Bhola think of buying a sheep?
Bhola thought that his wife would like to have a sheep in place of a donkey. Therefore, he thought of buying a sheep

Question 5.
What did the girl having green mangoes ask the horse trainer?
The girl having green mangoes asked the horse trainer, whether his hen laid eggs.

(B) Tick the correct answer true/false :
(सही उत्तर पर सत्य/असत्य का चिन्ह लगाइए)

1. Bhola’s wife was Asha.
2. Bhola spent little money for feeding his horse.
3. His wife loved to eat mango chutney.             4. The girl had a basket full of green mangoes.     5. Bhola gave the sheep to the girl in exchange for her green mangoes.

1. (F)
2. (T)
3. (T)
4. (T)
5. (F).

Word Power

(A) Write one word for these :
(इनके लिए एक शब्द लिखिए)

  1. One who trains a horse.
  2. One who looks after sheep.
  3. One who rides and controls an elephant.
  4. The person who controls wild animals in a circus.


  1. Horse-trainer
  2. Shepherd
  3. Mahout
  4. Ring master.

(B) Match the two columns :


  1. (a)
  2. → (e)
  3. → (f)
  4. → (d)
  5. → (c)
  6. → (b)

Grammar in Use

(A) Combine the pairs of sentences given below using ‘who’ :

(a) The girl is wearing a red sweater.
(b) The girl is Sarita.
The girl, who is waring a red sweater, is Sarita.


(a) The boy is wearing a blue cap.
(b) The boy is the tallest boy in the class.
The boy, who is wearing a blue cap, is the tallest boy in the class.


(a) Seema studies in class VIII.
(b) Seema is the most brilliant student of the class.
Seema, who studies in class VIII, is the most brilliant student of the class.


(a) John is a good story teller.
(b) John is telling an interesting story.
John, who is a good story teller, is telling an interesting story..


(a) Gurmeet helps the boy.
(b) The boy is blind.
Gurmeet helps the boy, who is blind.

Let’s Talk :

(i) Sit in groups of 4-5 and make a list of domestic animals and birds.
(चार-पाँच के समूह में बैठकर पालतू जानवरों और पक्षियों की सूची बनाइए)
Domestic animals:


(ii) Compare your lists and discuss about their usefulness.
(अपनी सूचियों का मिलान करें और इनकी उपयोगिता के बारे में चर्चा कीजिए।)
On comparing the lists you may discuss about their following uses :

  1. Cow gives us milk which is used in making several food products like curd, ghee.
  2. Cow-dung is used in making dung cakes (kandas) which are used as fuel.
  3. Dog guards our house.
  4. It can detect thieves.
  5. They also keep a watch on the house.
  6. Cats eat rats and drive them away from the house.
  7. Parrot entertains us.

(iii) Ask the following questions and fill up the table :
(निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों को पूछिए और तालिका में भरिए)

  1. Which is most commonly seen bird in your neighbourhood ?
  2. How many birds visit your neighbourhood regularly?
  3. Do you know their names ? Write at least two.
  4. Which animals are seen near or in your home?
  5. How are these useful to you? Write two things.


Let’s Write :

(a) Write a paragraph using the group of words given below:
(निम्न शब्दों का प्रयोग करते हुए एक अनुच्छेद लिखिए)

  1. The horse trainer, market, sell, horse, buy, donkey.
  2. Bhola, exchange, donkey, sheep, hen.
  3. a girl, hen, buy, green, mango.

The horse trainer, called Bhola took his horse to sell in the market. He first exchanged his horse for a donkey then he exchanged donkey for a sheep and then sheep for a hen. When he saw a girl selling green mangoes he exchanged his hen for the green mangoes as his wife loved to eat mango chutney. Thus, finally with green mangoes in exchange of a horse he went back to his way home.

(b) Write a paragraph about mangoes using the following clues :
(निम्न संकेतों का प्रयोग कर आम पर एक अनुच्छेद लिखिए)
shade, fruit, green, ripe, sweet, sour, jelly, jam, pickle, juice,
A mango is a delicious fruit. It is sweet in taste. Its tree provides us shade. Unripe or raw mangoes are green in colour and sour in taste. Unripe mangoes are used in making pickle whereas ripe mangoes are used in making jelly, jam and juice.

Let’s Do It :

(A) Read the following sentences and rewrite them using ‘should should not:
(निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पढ़िए और उन्हें ‘should’/ ‘should not’ का प्रयोग कर पुनः लिखिए)


(B) Now write more sentences using “We should do” and “We should not do”.
(अब ‘We should do’ और ‘We Should not’ का प्रयोग कर कुछ वाक्य लिखिए।)

One Comment to “MP Board Class 7th General English Solution Lesson 2 : The Wise Man -I”

  1. Top site ,.. amazaing post ! Just keep the work on !

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